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Complications of Anxiety Disorders

When left untreated, anxiety disorders can increase the risk of more severe and sometimes life-threatening conditions. These include depression, suicide, substance abuse, and physical illness. Take obsessive compulsive disorder as an example. Problems resulting from...

Causes and Risk Factors of Anxiety Disorders

Research into the possible causes and risk factors of anxiety disorders is ongoing, but it seems that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. While specific causes vary from one anxiety disorder to the next, there are...

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

The signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders differ depending on the type. For generalized anxiety disorder, sufferers exhibit signs of excessive worry, fear, and anxiety. These feelings must occur more days than not over a 6-month period and are usually about everyday...

Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

No two anxiety disorders are entirely alike. In other words, each type has its own set of symptoms and treatments, although some of these do overlap. The most common types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety...

What are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are classified as mental illnesses and come in a variety of forms, the most common of which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent and excessive...